Danville, Illinois
- Product: Tekkem Slaker
- Engineers: Aqua-Illinois
- Permitted Plant Flow: 7.5 MGD
- Installation Date: 2003
The water source for this Aqua Illinois facility is Lake Vermilion which is a 1000-acre lake located in Danville. The water supply lake is owned by Aqua Illinois, Inc. The Vermilion County Conservation District maintains the lease on the lake and manages the recreational activities.
In 2002 the plant staff began an investigation of slaking technologies to replace a 25 year old conventional continuous paste slaking system. For years the plant was faced with continual high slaking equipment maintenance and excessive cleaning man hours. Also the lime slurry delivery system continually clogged due to scaling and grit accumulation.
The plant staff elected to install two new Tekkem Slaking Systems with new lime screws, a grit removal system, Slurry Aging tanks and a direct pumping system to 4 existing softening clarifiers.