Experience Next-Level Efficiency with Enhanced Biosolids Pasteurization Solutions

RDP Enhanced Pasteurization System

1. Dewatered Biosolids are continuously loaded into the Storage and Feed Hopper

2. Biosolids are metered into the sequencing batch Pasteurization Reactor, just enought lime is added to achieve
pH > 12

3. Biosolids are heated in the sealed Pasteurization Reactor. Time, temperature, and chemistry are all variables to produce:

 a. Optimize Pasteurization

 b. Minimize offensive odors

 c. Dried to a friable form that is easily to handle and not dusty – typically 55-65% dry solids

d. Produce a more nutrient-rich end product

4. The end product is stable due to a nominal amount of lime and will remain stable despite the possibility getting wet. It will wash into the soil after a couple of wet weather events

Enhanced Pasteurization
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