lime slaker systems

Tekkem Lime Feed Systems

The RDP-Tekkem Lime Feed Systems prepare a perfect batch every time and accurately delivers the product to multiple applications points consistently with little or no regular operator attention or maintenance. These Systems add a predetermined amount of lime to a predetermined amount of water, based upon load cells. The Precision Dosing Loop delivery sub-system delivers an accurate dosage to multiple locations without scaling.

Biosolids-Lime Stabilization Systems

Sustainable Communities are capable of providing their communities clean water and wastewater services without relying on outside third parties. Class B stabilized biosolids can be an integral part of that program by recycling essential nutrients and organic matter within the community. As one farmer told us, “…this stuff is just too good to waste…”


RDP’s 30 years and 300 projects of experience has taught us a thing or two about designing reliable systems. We can load a truck quickly, often in a matter of minutes, while keeping the truck neat and clean. The load is also accurate to within a couple hundred pounds of the set point. All of this is accomplished automatically, requiring minimal Operator assistance.

RDP-Fenton Drying Systems

Our drying systems operate on a repeating batch basis. This allows the drying time to be varied and to accommodate changes in the sludge cake solids concentration and drying characteristics.

lime slaker

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